Polygon Ecosystem

DeFi is the movement that leverages decentralised networks to transform old financial products into trustless and transparent protocols.The Polygon ecosystem is a whole new class of digital asset that has evolved from the Ethereum blockchain. Polygons are stable and expandable to help keep your digital assets secure.

Metaverse Debit Card

Metaverse Debit Card is a discontinued cross-platform, commercial HyperCard clone. It included an IDE, a GUI toolkit and had its own language, MetaTalk. The Metaverse Debit Card is a new digital payment card that enables users to spend digital assets (mVAT) with ease, whilst shielding them from volatility.

Generate NFTs

The process of creating a nonfungible token is called minting. The term refers to the process of turning a digital item into an asset on the blockchain. NFTs are digital assets that exist on their own, outside of an underlying asset. NFTs can represent anything from virtual objects to securities, currencies, or real-world assets.

Buy Virutal Assets

The Hybrid token can be used to buy assets within the virtual reality world you are in. Assets can include buildings, vehicles, houses along with many others that will be found in the metaverse market. Hybrid tokens are a new means of exchanging digital assets within the virtual reality world. By combining features of ERC-721 and ERC20, Hybrid allows you to buy digital assets with ETH.


On Polygon sidechains, transactions are quick, low-cost, and safe, with finality on the mainchain and Ethereum as the first suitable Layer 1 base chain.


Operators of polygon chains are also stakers in the PoS system. In PoS, the network of operators create and maintain a reverse log of all transactions over time, therefore they can verify to be authentic. A staking combined with the blockchain security, provides a strong and secure system. Furthermore, it is possible for anyone to get rewarded for staking by earning new node coins and as such creating more nodes on the network means that you increase your chance of finding more blocks.